02 Jun Empowerment is the Work from Within
Before I was empowered myself, I thought that you the way you get empowered is from people and situations outside of you. I used to blame my employers, I used to look at situations outside my control and blame them for all the things that I thought were unfortunate in my life. I did this until one day I had a revelation and I realized that anything that happens in my own life always come from within.
Today I want to talk to you about my life coaching. I am not gonna spend much time blogging on this website. I might share some images or sessions that I find creative or important, but overall I am not going to blog on this website. I just want to put it out there for you to know.
However, as a matter of fact, I love sharing my knowledge with people. I love sharing knowledge about empowerment, life experience, inspiration, life coaching.
I want to tell you about my other side that I am so passionate about. I am a life coach. I am so in love with helping women achieve their dreams. I truly believe that we deserve the best. Over the course of our lives we have created stories that are untrue and we believe in them. What I do is help women break through the walls that they have built around themselves.
Boudoir photography is like an extension of my life work. In my life work I help women to become the best versions of themselves. My life work is to make you understand that you have this amazing power to create incredible life for yourself instead of climbing back into your shell and hiding from the rest of the world.
So if you want to read a little more about my life coaching, go to my life coaching website and I will gladly share my knowledge, my passion, my life work with you.